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Coming back from Hawi was fun. It starts with some serious downhill riding, at speeds of 60 to 70km/h. Becomes interesting with the side winds which were still present. Once the road were flatter again the wind was coming somewhat from the front, so we had to push a bit, but not as hard as before. Back on the Queen K, coming close to Waikoloa village again, it was real fun. The tail winds there were so strong that riding more than 60km/h was easy. It gives a great feeling going that fast, we were even riding uphill at that kind of speeds. It does get challenging when trying to get some water at the aid stations. However, a bit of slowing down, and an amazing sprint by the volunteers fixes that problem. Can you imagine grabbing a water bottle at 50km/h. I works, but I have to thank the volunteers for a wonderful job!

At the end of the bike ride, we have to pass through Kailua again, to go to the transition area 10km further on. Passing town was great, there were so many people shouting and sheering, it gives a really special feeling. The last bit was hard though. I was getting some cramps in my upper legs, and that is not useful when trying to keep the speed up. However, I got there in one piece, so it was time to get rid of the bike, take our running gear and let the feet do the work. My transition was very swift (what a difference with last year, did it twice as fast this time). Have to say the legs were feeling far from great, but what can you expect when you start with a very steep climb and then run in and out of 'the Pit'. I crossed Dirk Van Gossum when going into the pit. Strange, would have expected him to be much farther in front of me. I had already crossed Jean Moureau when I was still riding at the end of Alii drive. Anyway, Dirk called it a day a bit later.

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