Couvin, .5-18-5
I really didn't have a good day. Being only one week after our training camp in Ruoms, and considering that I just started a new job this week (part time, but still), it is not too surprising that I wasn't feeling
too hot. And it showed. My expectations for the swim were low, so I am reasonably pleased about that (second out of the pool). However, when the cycling began, it was clear that I forgot to take my good legs. There
were two laps with a serious hill in it. Though I was a lot better the second lap, I definately lost heaps of time on the first one. I am reasanably pleased about the run though. The time was not too good, but I
also made a bit of a wrong turn at some point. In general, poor race, but still a good training. In the end, I finished fourth.