My swim was not good. The water was very
choppy (which was to be expected with all that wind) and swimming against the wind was pretty difficult. Well, I knew in advance that I was not swimming really strong on training, so I couldn't
expect things to go fast. Then again, it could have been a lot worse...
Once on the bike, you really started to feel the wind. Low gears were very popular indeed! I started passing people from the start, and that never ended. The happy few who passed me,
didn't have the luck to keep up their speed till the end of the ride.
The path up the fire mountains in the Timanfaya national park was very hard as usual (as you can see on the photo) and the same was true for the climbs at Haria and towards Mirador del Rio. But
after that, the rest of the ride was a breeze. Most of it downhill and wind from behind... lovely. If you are still fresh enough to enjoy it that is! And this time, I was :-)