Bike start is not easy :-) First thing to do is mount Palani drive, and
that is quite steep. That makes it very easy to get heavy legs from the very start of the race, which can better be avoided. So I started in a small gear (a bit too small at first, but that is no problem) and made
it up Palani road without any problems. Once up there, switch to the big gears and try to pass some people on the Queen K. No problems in the first hour, the was no or little wind so speeds were pretty high to start
with. And I was passing people by the dozens. Feeling real good. Ok, there were some guys who passed me, but as usual this was mostly in the downhill parts, and I could often pass them again on
more uphill portions. After about an hour of riding, there was starting to be some wind (as was to be expected).
Between the seven eleven and Hawi, wind was starting to be a bit more
serious. At times, I almost fell of my bike (which doesn't happen to me too often). A bit further on, I started to cross the leaders. Tim Deboom (though I didn't know it was him at the time) was leading, with a gap
on a group including Luc Van Lierde. At the turning point, I must have been in about 60th position. Now it is time for the fun bit, downhill from Hawi...
A little later I got back on the Queen K. and still feeling strong. Someone shouted I was in 46th position which I was quite happy about. There were now reasonably strong head
winds all the way back to Kailua. Unfortunately however, after some time, I felt that the strength in my legs was starting to fade. Now I knew that my training was inadequate, so I
can't say I was all too surprised. Once back in Kailua, it was not too far anymore, and just at the coast, shielded from the wind. Didn't help at this time, though, I was going
embarrassingly slow... And just before reaching Kona Surf there is this stupid little but steep hill. Real nice :-)
Just before that hill, I saw the leaders again. At this point Luc Van
Lierde was already in charge with a gap of 10 or 20 meters on the second; Way to go Luc, keep it up!
Back in transition, I changed my chip to my other leg. The bit of sock under it wasn't helping against chafing (though it would during the run). Pin my number on the front and put on my running shoes, tight!
Out I go...