Changes to this site
Note dates are in the format (dd.mm.yyyy):
- 13.01.2002 : many small updates, mainly in the links section (and updated the list of sponsors for 2002).
- 12.10.2001 : reworked my resumé.
- 13.06.2001 : several new links and the changes mentioned in the news page.
- 15.04.2001 : mainly added a lot of new stuff for the running year, including a new sponsor, some changes in the equipment pages etc. From now on, I will also try to add a date on the pages, so that you can see when the details were written or last changed. Several assorted changes all over the place, but nothing major apart from the stuff for this year.
- 20.05.2000 : Ironman Lanzarote, after what is probably my smartest race ever, I finished in the top 20 for the third time in a row, and thus I
qualified for Hawaii again.
- 01.05.2000 : we finished sixth at the club championships.
- 05.11.2000 : added a couple of links.
- 01.11.2000 : report for Hawai is finished. There are also a reports for Incourt and Oupeye now. I also added some tips for wetsuit maintenance.
- 20.10.2000 : added a report for the race in Eupen.
- 06.09.2000 : added two race report (still another two to go) and some other details.
- 19.07.2000 : after living with my girlfriend for two months, I finally got the bright idea (read time and a useable computer) to change my address.
- 28.05.2000 : Ironman Lanzarote report added.
- 26.05.2000 : added two extra athletes to the links, updated some others, and started on the reports (some of wich were long overdue). Oh yes, I updated my resume too.
- 03.05.2000 : added a few extra links (again), same comment as below though, especially as I now have both a training camp and a race under my belt.
- 22.04.2000 : added several athletes links, some races and some internationals. Should actually add some real content, but I will try to do that when I have some real time.
- 18.03.2000 : a few new links (and changed addresses too), a preview of my attire for the new season and various other details.
- 18.02.2000 : added equipment details about my new bike, a Trek Hilo 2000, and about the bike sponsor, Chamizo fietsen.
- 10.02.2000 : added some pages in the Press section (so now it is no longer empty). Not quite as much as I would wish, or as readable as I would hope, but still.
- 15.01.1999 : added quite a few new links, a training article, details about new sponsors etc.
- 02.01.2000 : some changes in the links (more ironman links etc), some added info about my equipment and some other small changes.
- 27.12.1999 : I seem to be changing a lot recently (then again, that's the idea). Some new reviews (of some magazines) have joined this site...
- 24.12.1999 : there now is a site search engine on my home page.
- 21.12.1999 : added some extra details in my powercranks review, reorganized the Belgian links page.
- 12.12.1999 : added some new links and finally gave a (short) description of my swim equipment (long overdue I admit, other equipment pages to follow).
- 10.12.1999 : Added my 2000 preview, and the first couple of reviews, about PowerCranks and Total Immersion.
- 27.11.1999 : The changes to the site should now be finished. There are also two new sections (reviews and press), but they will be filled in later (hopefully soon). Though anybody who wants to contribute by
adding a review can always contact me.
- 23.11.1999 : started a period (hopefully not too long) with serious redesign of the site. The look is changing a bit (especially the title is now more compact), and I have many plans for improvements, new
sections etc. But it will all take some time...
- 30.10.1999 : long race report for Ironman Hawai, plus a couple of changes in the links department.
- 06.08.1999 : race report for Eupen added.
- 25.07.1999 : added a report for the world championships race in Sweden, plus some extra links.
- 30.05.1999 : the new season has taken off, so it is about time I have some new info on here. I added some pictures of my race top and a bit of info about it. Also reports about the races in Landen and Lanzarote.
- 06.04.1999 : there is now also a link to the site for Kapelle o/d Bos, and also for the IronMaui triathlon.
- 31.03.1999 : added quite a few extra links (national, deferations and a race).
- 21.02.1999 : added a page about the new supporters t-shirt.
- 16.02.1999 : things keep moving in the Belgian triathlon scene, added another Belgian club in the links department.
- 14.02.1999 : added a more links (and reorganized them a bit).
- 05.02.1999 : added a couple of new sites in the links section.
- 03.02.1999 : thanks to the help of Jan Hofman, quite a few spelling mistakes are now fixed.
- 31.01.1999 : added a page with an overview of the hits on this site.
- 30.01.1999 : added my new GSM number (contact page), and some extra links (amongst others I found some extra Belgian triathlon sites).
- 28.01.1999 : added some extra info for the sponsors (those which had no info yet).
- 12.01.1998 : some small changes (news and another company profile).
- 02.01.1998 : changed my banner and one of the sponsors now has a (brief) company profile (haven't received anything from the others yet).
- 31.12.1998 : added another bit of ramblings.
- 29.12.1998 : added a picture of Rob Barel to the Nice report.
- 26.12.1998 : added the goals for 1999.
- 20.12.1998 : first publication of the completely reworked version of this site. The framework is done, but there still is a lot of work on the contents. Come back later for more info.
- 22.10.1998 : added an extra link, to the Sater triathlon.
- 12.10.1998 : site style changed, many changes to look forward to 1999, etc. Just have a look round!
- 01.10.1998 : added the Nice report and some other smaller changes a.o. in the links.
- 10.09.1998 : at long last a report about Aarschot and also for Meerhout.
- 11.07.1998 : finally added the report for Brasschaat (two weeks after the actual race).
- 25.06.1998 : small addition to my race calendar and I could not help but make a small remark about our football achievements at the World Cup.
- 08.06.1998 : new report from Middelkerke, threw out my c.v. (you'll have to go to the PROGS site), but added a "ramblings" page.
- 30.05.1998 : added some links to some extra Belgian triathlon related pages, and added the Lanzarote IronMan report.
- 02.05.1998 : site revamped, added lots of pictures (especially in 1997 season overview) and added some new memorable race stuff. Also added a link to my
brother's site and some comments about the interclub race in Landen. Also some small changes in the work page concerning my new job.
- 30.04.1998 : added comments about Couvin.
- 08.03.1998 : some small improvements in the triathlon pages.
- 15.11.1997 : added some details about my triathlon future in 1998, added a link to the real ironman site.
- sorry, no changes report before 15.11.1997